Bonavista Newfs

Khloe & Mom in Training …. How to handle yourself out of a Paper Bag with William Alexander …

June 28, 2024

Khloe and I had a wonderful weekend in Halifax, Nova Scotia with many other Breeders, Handlers, and just fun people who wanted to learn how to show their dogs and who better to learn from than William Alexander. A well known Professional Handler who has been in the business for many years and is now a Judge for the dog shows. William is a very nice gentlemen who had some great tips and lots of patience for those of us who let our nerves get the best of us at times. There were many breeds there, many familiar faces and lots of laughs, during the the weekend. We learned a lot of things and I took lots of notes. You can never be too old to learn anything and I find when you take courses with your colleges, it makes it just that much more fun and being with people who have your best interest at heart helps as well. I would certainly recommend taking a weekend course from this gentlemen, he was very knowledgeable, super helpful, funny at times and made it a fun weekend to learn a lot of things. To say Khloe and I were tired at the end of the weekend was true, we were both mentally exhausted, bonding again in a new way, learning how to read each other’s needs and talents. There were even juniors there learning as well and they were so good and very cute. It was definitely a learning experience for everyone involved, even those who had been doing it for a while. He had a lot of good tips, exercises, and was happy to answer any questions you had.

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Learning how to stack your show dog … Fun, fun ….

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