Bonavista Newfs

Recipe for Paw Balm – credited to the Newfoundland Club of America …

December 4, 2023
Will your Newf be out pulling trees? Walking on cold pavement in parades? Hiking on a crispy snowbound trail? Then you need to think about paw protection.

Thanks to our friends at Frugally Sustainable – here is a paw wax recipe you can make at home: Supplies -21-24 standard lip balm tubes OR 6-1 oz tins -a small digital kitchen scale, optional -small pot or double boiler  

Ingredients • 2 oz. (approx. 2 tbsp.) olive, sunflower, or sweet almond oil
• 2 oz. (approx. 2 tbsp.) coconut oil
• 1 oz. (approx. 1 tbsp.) shea butter
• 4 tsp. beeswax   Method
• In a small pot – or double boiler – over low heat melt the oils, shea butter, and beeswax. Stir continuously until all is melted and well blended.
• Pour the mixture into lip balm tubes and/or tins.
• Let them cool on the counter until hard.
• Cap and label.
• Keep away from extreme heat.
• Use within 1-2 years.   *This recipe will make enough to fill approximately 21-24 standard lip balm tubes or 6-1 oz. tins. This paw wax recipe is perfect for the paws and should be applied liberally, as needed for prevention or treatment.
Great way to keep your pets paws healthy and happy all season. Recommended by Khloe, she says it works great while walking in the paths at the park.

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